Sexual Intercourse In Heaven

Heaven would not be heaven unless one could continue to partake in all the enjoyments and pleasures of life after the death of the physical body. This includes marriage and sexual intercourse.

To grasp this we have to take into account that heaven is not in time and space. Therefore, if individuals are enjoying life in the spiritual world, without a physical body, they must have spiritual bodies. Without the appropriate organic form, pleasure has no substantive subject by which it can really exist.

However, since spiritual bodies are non-physical, their organic forms, whether we are talking about a penis or vagina, can only be understood as the embodiment of the qualities of one’s heart and mind (which is one’s true spirit).

All spiritual bio-complexity consists of one’s true inner reality given real substantive and non-physical organic form. In other words, in the spiritual world non-material organs are generated out of all the aspects of our heart and understanding. All organic structure in heaven is psycho-topological.

A spiritual penis or vagina is therefore a more perfect embodiment of one’s love, values, and ideas as well.

A penis in the spiritual world reflects a male spirit’s ability and potency to probe the subject of his passion from his understanding. A spiritual vagina represents a woman’s receptivity and will to accept these qualities and potencies of her suitor by becoming the ultimate focus of his love.

This receptivity is the inner essence of a woman’s attractiveness and beauty in the spiritual world. A woman in heaven becomes more beautiful as she becomes the life and love of her husband’s spiritual understanding. A woman becomes a wife in this manner and is the only way two partners can be wedded in heaven.

The man becomes a more perfect husband and increasingly handsome as his spiritual knowledge increases. So the husband becomes the embodiment of his wife’s understanding and wisdom. The male and female genitals are the spiritual analog, and represent, the dynamics of this profound union.

This level of bonding is not generally known in on earth. But there is no way for two partners to become increasingly intimate with each other if they could not take on the intimacy that is found between a united understanding and its will. This increased intimacy allows a heavenly marriage to be perfected through eternity.

Sexual intercourse in heaven mirrors this dynamic as the spiritual act of a husband’s understanding seeking union with the wife’s love. Wives in heaven are spiritually formed so that they can be impregnated by the ideas of their husband’s understanding (his ideas are his spiritual seed).

The husband’s ideas gestate in the wife’s heart. She brings them to life in the spiritual world as new qualities of love and wisdom that are shared by both partners (because they always act as one spirit). Spiritual offspring are the things generated from this holy union – increased love and service for the heavenly community.

Rather than a multiplication of people, spiritual progeny are the multiplication of usefulness and goodness.

In God’s scheme, whether on earth or in the spiritual world, all intercourse is for the sake of impregnation and creation. All creation has origins in the marriage of God’s love and truth. All sexual intercourse follows this Holy pattern to promote and give birth to something fruitful in the universe.

Those in heaven do not engage in anal intercourse or make use of dildos. In the spiritual world, these things represent corporeal pleasures excluded from spiritual principles and their prolific power.

Have I rained on anyone’s parade?

Posted on August 24, 2008by thegodguy


Posted in god, Inner growth, Life after death, love, psychology, Reality, religion, spirituality, symbolism, unity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 30 Comments

33 thoughts on “Sexual Intercourse In Heaven

  1. I know my comment is going to be in the minority here, but the Scripture has a completely different take than what is presented here:

    Galatians 3:28 (NASB) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

    Luke 20:33-36 (NASB) In the resurrection therefore, which one’s wife will she be? For all seven had married her. 34 Jesus said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36 for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.

    In the Scripture, God created sex within marriage as a product between a male husband and a female wife (Genesis 1:27; 2:24). In the resurrection, there will be no gender, nor will there be any marriage. Sexual pleasure will be superceded by those eternal pleasures that are beyond the senses of mere mortal comprehension.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you david for sharing your thoughts
      but the bible has multi dimensional levels of understanding, it has a deeper spiritual meaning with in the literal sence of the word, read some of the comments below the post, were talking about spiritual marriage in heaven
      God bless


  2. Wow this was very interesting.
    Thoroughly devoured.

    I think you are right somehow – I have dreamt it; not that my dreams are the repository of Truth!

    Anal sex here, between men however, is practised as it’s corresponding expression of love that sex in a marriage between a man and a woman represents.

    There is no other way to have sex between men (I’m assuming Oral Sex is then, as dildos, just corporeal seeking pleasure).

    I’m heaven there will be then the corresponding sorely reflection of deep intimacy between men, in the way that you have described, not just the line between men that develops as a more perfect representation of a man’s love for Jesus Christ.

    I have seen this also in dreams and it has always been so and will continue to be so – homosexuality is not the result of the internet.

    In my father’s house are many mansions. I cannot wait to get there.

    Nothing is as it seems.


  3. “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘You are mistaken, neither knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in Heaven'” (Matthew 22:29-30).

    Liked by 4 people

    • Right. In Heaven we will all, both males and females, be married to Christ alone (Ephesians 5:27). All earth’s romantic “illustrations” will finally fade into the background once we have the real thing, the thing that we were made for.


    • to be “married to Jesus” means to be receptive to the Lord’s Divine Truth, which inseminates the “seeds of faith” into our hearts and minds. Everyone in heaven is united in loving service. Yet, a man or woman alone is only half an angel.


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