Inspiring example of volunteers

volunteersIn article in the Telegraph newspaper Martin Lewis points out that over 15 million people in Britain volunteer at least once a month to help others in society. Requests to form a new charity are currently flowing into the offices of the Charity Commission at an average rate of 30 every single day.

Volunteers tackle homelessness, mentor disadvantaged young people from tough backgrounds, regenerate ancient woodland for use by the local community, drive patients to hospital appointments, provide support to relatives of people killed in car crashes, take the elderly and isolated on canal trips, help people on the streets late at night, offer support so those who are HIV positive can deal with their diagnosis and get back on their feet, find ways for visually impaired people to lead full and active lives, run community radio stations, provide additional support and comfort to local children living in poverty, help young people overcome reading difficulties, deliver companionship, healthy meals and stimulating activities to older people, provide expert medical support in an emergency until an ambulance arrives, crew a rescue hovercraft to save lives, intervene to stop violence by diffusing aggressive situations, help women to break free from street sex work and addiction, and provide free respite breaks for disadvantaged children from across the UK.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg. There is hardly an area of need in Britain that is not touched by some people giving their time and energy for the sake of others.

This community work can have a spiritual element of healing for those getting some help. But it also is a wonderful form of inner growth for those who offer their time. Give and you will receive.

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